The last time we gave it a makeover was in May 2016. Since it was a bit pale in recent years, we decided to give our beautiful suspension bridge a nice red color for its 100 years (and yes, 1922-2022, a real dean!)

An "extreme" experience

4 days of painting and 6 volunteers per day and that’s it! Liters of red paint later and here we are with an “almost” brand new bridge!
The 2022 edition takes place from April 26 to May 4.

And yes, because we had to remove the net, so it feels very, very weird. We obviously work attached to the bridge and the volunteers remain below, on the boards. The Bungy Niouc Team takes care of the pipe and sitting astride, we enjoy an incredible view!

The raclette and the jump to thank the volunteers

After hours of work, we are quite hungry and we let ourselves be tempted by the raclette offered by the Team. And to crown it all, a day of painting=a jump! No reason therefore not to come to put its P’tit coup de Rouge!

More impressions